It’s certainly not everyday that you get to start a brand new blog. To be honest, this is only the second time in my entire life that I have done exactly that. The first time was way back in 2008 over at
Back then blogging was a relatively new phenomena, and I had no clue as to path it would lead me. It’s interesting to note that as I write this post, there is no guarantee that anyone will read it. A strikingly different approach to that of my first blog, which has amassed tonnes of loyal fans.
With this in mind the question is there to be asked, can I do it again?
More importantly, can I build another website that provides high level content and value to a new audience?
This is the challenge, and I’m more than ready to accept it. So what exactly will the website offer that makes it stand out from the crowd of amazing entrepreneurial blogs and resources? Well, I’m first and foremost a Teacher, and I’m going to make it my mission to utilise this high level skill-set to teach other entrepreneurs how to exactly to do things in online business world.
Sure this has been done before, but how many of the entrepreneurs are world class teachers who teach actively still teach in REAL classrooms? How many of them know how to develop real learning sequences and units of work that develop skills?
Ok, so you’re a teacher, “what makes you qualified to talk about online business?”.
Well over the last 7 years, I’ve built an authority site, that generates on its own around $250,000+ per year. Add in all of the passive income streams and the revenue is much greater.
So with the stage now set, I look forward to combining my two passions and taking your skills and knowledge to a whole new level.
Welcome to the Teacherpreneur Website